Applying For a Mortgage? Here’s What You Should Avoid Once You Do.

While it’s exciting to start thinking about moving in and decorating after you’ve applied for your mortgage, there are some key things to keep in mind before you close.

Don’t Deposit Large Sums of Cash
Before you deposit any amount of cash into your accounts, discuss the proper way to document your transactions with your loan officer.

Don’t Make Any Large Purchases
It’s not just home-related purchases that could disqualify you from your loan. Any large purchases can be red flags for lenders. Resist the temptation to make any large purchases.

Don’t Cosign Loans for Anyone
When you cosign for a loan, you’re making yourself accountable for that loan’s success and repayment. With that obligation comes higher debt-to-income ratios as well.

Don’t Switch Bank Accounts
Lenders need to source and track your assets. Before you transfer any money, speak with your loan officer.

Don’t Apply for New Credit
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new credit card or a new car, when you have your credit report run by organizations in multiple financial channels, it will have an impact on your FICO score.

Don’t Close Any Accounts
Many buyers believe having less available credit makes them less risky and more likely to be approved. This isn’t true. Closing accounts has a negative impact on both of those aspects of your score.

Do Discuss Changes with Your Lender
Be upfront about any changes that occur or you’re expecting to occur when talking with your lender. Blips in income, assets or credit should be reviewed and executed in a way that ensures your home loan can still be approved. If your job or employment status has changed recently, share that with your lender as well. If you have questions, DM me.

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