Avoiding the 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Probate Real Estate
Every day, many people across America experience the loss of a loved one. That’s just a part of life’s journey. For every person who passes away, another person must take on the task of managing the estate. Are you this person? If you’re reading this blog, the answer is most likely yes. Let me assure you that this task does not have to be overwhelming.
First, I would like to extend our sincere condolences on the loss of your loved one. Our goal is to provide top-quality professional service throughout the probate process. Often, this process is quite stressful, so having the right team to help you can bridge the gap between stress and success.
I would like to offer you a free e-book to help you through the Probate Process. The e-book will discuss:
Mistake 1: Not having the right guidance and counsel to help you through the probate process
Mistake 2: Not knowing how probate works
Mistake 3: Selecting the wrong service providers to help liquidate the estate and prepare it for sale
Mistake 4: Thinking the probate process will only take a few weeks and relying on your attorney to handle everything
Mistake 5: Not securing the estate’s personal property
Mistake 6: Leaving the property uninsured or underinsured as you settle the estate
Mistake 7: Attempting to sell the estate’s real property without understanding the market
Here are two major reasons to read this book:
- You need to have a clear picture of all your options, so you will know you’ve made the best choice when it comes to selling the property held in the estate.
- Avoiding the top seven mistakes discussed in this e-book will save you time and help you avoid unnecessary stress — and could potentially save you thousands of dollars.
This e-book is designed to alert you to various mistakes that many executors and administrators make when they manage an estate. I hope that by sharing information that my team and I have accumulated through our experience and education, we can help you deal with some of the uncertainties you may encounter during the process.
Download Your Free e-book Today
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