The Steps to Probate
Being an executor or administrator of a probate estate is not for everyone.
You have been trusted to be the personal representative of a probate estate because you know how to get things done and you care. When challenges arise, you are the person that takes an axe to them and you overcome.
…But will the monster of overwhelm occasionally stalk you?
(Ask any probate executor or administrator and they will tell you, YES, the process can be overwhelming!)
I understand. Picking up all the mail, paying all the bills/utilities, handling repairs of the property, maintaining the yard, back-and-forth calls and/or trips to the attorney, going to the bank, all while dealing with other beneficiaries…It can be overwhelming!
Now picture this:
Imagine that starting right now, you no longer have the monster of worry and overwhelm about your responsibilities as a probate executor/administrator nagging at you.
Imagine being able to focus on the reason that you are an executor/administrator of a probate estate in the first place (because nobody knows the best course of action to overcome challenges like you do!).
Does that sound good? …It gets even better.
Because you downloaded my free eBook, Probate Real Estate and You: Avoiding the 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Probate Real Estate, I am going to send you the TWO following “axes” (Just think of each tool that I send you as an axe** that you can use to chop up any challenges that may arise)
- Something You Can Use Right Now…A 6 Page Booklet Called “The Steps to Probate” >>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD NOW<<
For More Probate Answers, please Click Here.
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